I Did It!!!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The End.....or just The Beginning

Wow! What a journey. I have enjoyed the experience immensely. When I began I wondered if I could really get my head around all these different aspects of the web, but as I have taken each step I have gained confidence.....to try, to explore, to experiment and to learn more. I have been excited with each new 'thing' we had to explore....and frustrated at times because I had difficulty grasping the whole lesson. But I persevered each time and managed to achieve the desired goal.
Some sites I loved......like flickr, del.icio.us, YouTube and the LibraryThing. Others were not quite so appealing. Some I felt were useful to our job, others not quite so. And in playing around I found other sites that also interested me. There is so much yet to be learnt.
What was my favourite discovery? Tagging, I think.
At the start I was challenged to make time to do this course. Well, I did....and that is probably the thing that has affected my learning the most....I CAN find time if I WANT to learn. So my next challenge is to KEEP making time to KEEP learning because there is so much more I want to investigate, steps I want to go over again, other programs I want to learn. And it has all been FUN....wonderful fun. Oh the joy of learning! So it isn't the end.....just a pause before I continue on the great journey.

1 comment:

Sal's World said...

Indeed just the beginning I think Meg! You have done a fantastic job! I am really proud of you! Well Done!

(and you're the winner!!!)