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Friday, September 28, 2007

Oh How I am learning.

Can you remember the old Brown's system? Did we ever imagine we would have such wonderful technology back then?
Oh how I love my computer...and what fun I have had since I learnt to surf the net...the information I have discovered.
And yet there is more! Emails, Blogs, Photo sharing, Mailing lists.....the list just goes on.
I didn't think my old brain could absorb it all but it is such fun and such a challenge....I can't wait for the next week to start....or the next chance to trawl around the net.

The world has become so much smaller because of technology. We can reach each other in almost an instant. And make contact with people we haven't even met.

And everything is getting even smaller. Mobile phones are held in the palm....AND they double as a camera. Laptops are light and very portable. MP3 players can be tucked into a little pocket. What will the future hold for us? I can't begin to imagine the wonderful things yet to come.

Oh the Fun I'm having

Oh the fun of making a trading card! What a wonderful idea.....and such FUN.
Perhaps we can all make one and trade at the next staff meeting!
I love the idea of creating a whole pack of cards with family and friends.
Wouldn't it be fun playing snap!!! Or happy families!!!

I could have a 'library staff' pack as well as a 'family' pack.

I'm going to start taking snaps of everyone (when they aren't looking, or course) so I can make my very own personalised pack of cards.
So my good friends....BEWARE!

The Excitement of Learning

Oh, the excitement of learning! What fun I have had exploring Flickr. And all the lovely quilts I discovered...like this wonderful one. This is the sort of thing I would like to be able to create....just give me the time!
I am eager to learn more about my digital camera so I can play with uploading photos to Flickr. And now Bob will be able to upload all those train photos he has.....so he won't lose them again when the computer crashes!!!
Learning certainly is fun. What comes next???

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Joy of Learning

Oh the joy of learning. How easy it is to learn if it's play. Or if you WANT to learn.
Believing that you CAN is surely one of the biggest steps. And once I believe I can then it becomes FUN.....so here goes!